Minggu, 29 Juli 2007

Hot Review: Portable Apps

Salah satu kontribusi terbaik dari dunia open source (menurut hemat penulis lhoo) adalah aplikasi Portable Apps. Apa itu Portable App?

Portable App adalah program/aplikasi/software berbasis Windows (kenapa Windows? Biar orang tidak selalu mengasosiasikan Open Source dengan Linux, karena memang Open Source tidak sesempit itu) yang dapat Anda bawa kemana-mana (baca: portable) dan dapat disimpan dan dijalankan langsung dari portable devices Anda, seperti Flash Disk, Ipod, portable hard drive dan lain sebagainya. Ketika Anda menancapkan USB Flash Disk yang sudah di-install Portable Apps ke komputer, maka Anda dapat mengakses semua program yang biasa Anda gunakan di komputer pribadi Anda, lengkap dengan bookmark, setting, password dan lain sebagainya. Dan ketika Anda mencabut USb Flash disk tersebut, data-data tersebut aman karena tidak tertinggal di komputer.

Portable apps ini sangat berguna terutama Anda yang terbiasa dengan bookmarking alamat website, punya banyak koleksi password dan tidak sanggup menghapalnya satu-satu dan setting-setting lain yang tidak mungkin Anda terapkan di komputer orang lain. Dengan memiliki portable apps, seolah-olah komputer orang lain jadi milik Anda seperti layaknya komputer pribadi Anda di rumah. Asyik? Tentu saja... open source.... :)

Apa yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat menjalankan Portable Apps?

No Special Hardware - Bisa dijalankan dari USB flash drive, portable hard drive, iPod/MP3 player, dsb nya
No Additional Software - Cukup download Portable Apps, extract dan jalankan
No Kidding - Ya, semudah itu :)

Berikut ini hal-hal yang bisa Anda lakukan dengan Portable Apps

* Carry your web browser with all your favorite bookmarks
* Carry your calendar with all your appointments
* Carry your email client with all your contacts and settings
* Carry your instant messenger and your buddy list
* Carry your whole office suite along with your documents and presentations
* Carry your antivirus program and other computer utilities
* Carry all your important passwords and account information securely

Dan kenyamanan-kenyamanan yang akan Anda dapatkan

* Have your favorite websites handy to recommend to a friend or colleague
* Have your presentation AND the required software ready to go for that big meeting
* Have your password with you if you want to bank online while traveling
* Have utilities handy when visiting family or friends that are having PC problems

Aplikasi apa saja yang bisa dijalankan?


* Firefox Accessibility Extension - Make Firefox more accessible
* On-Screen Keyboard Portable - Easily access an on-screen keyboard
* Virtual Magnifying Glass Portable - A full-featured screen magnifier


* Notepad++ Portable - A full-featured text editor with syntax highlighting
* Nvu Portable & KompoZer Portable - The easy-to-use Nvu web editor
* XAMPP - Apache, mySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, etc in one package


* Mines-Perfect Portable - a classic hunt-for-mines game with advanced features
* PokerTH Portable - classic Texas Hold Em style poker at its best
* Sudoku Portable - the wildly popular and addictive puzzle game

Graphics & Pictures

* GIMP Portable - Photo and Image Editor


* FileZilla Portable - the full-featured FTP client
* FireFTP Extension (for Firefox) - a lightweight extension
* Gaim Portable - chat with AOL, MSN and Yahoo users in an easy-to-use interface
* Miranda IM Portable - chat with AOL, MSN and Yahoo users in a customizable interface
* Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition - the award-winning web browser that's safe and secure
* Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition - the handy email client
* Nvu Portable & KompoZer Portable - the easy-to-use webpage editor
* PuTTY Portable - lightweight telnet and SSH client
* Sage Extension (for Firefox) - A full-featured RSS extension

Music & Video

* Audacity Portable - A simple audio editor and recorder
* MPlayer Portable - Full-featured movie player with support for most video formats
* VirtualDub Portable - video processing and capture utility
* VLC Media Player Portable - An easy to use media player that plays most audio and video formats


* AbiWord Portable - a lightweight word processor compatible with Microsoft Word files
* Lightning Extension (for Thunderbird) - A lightweight extension for your calendar and tasks
* Mozilla Sunbird, Portable Edition - Calendar and task management with a familiar interface
* Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition (Address Book) - Email client's built-in address book with import/export functions
* OpenOffice.org Portable - word processor, spreadsheet, presentations with Microsoft compatibility
* Sumatra PDF Portable - a lightweight PDF viewer

Operating Systems

* Mac-on-Stick - Run Mac OS Classic 7 portably


* 7-Zip Portable - File archiver and compressor
* ClamWin Portable - Antivirus on the go
* Command Prompt Portable - Simple link to a customizable command prompt
* Eraser Portable - securely delete files and data
* KeePass Password Safe Portable - Secure, easy-to-use password manager
* PortableApps.com Backup - integrated backup utility bundled with the platform
* PortableApps.com Menu - integrated start menu bundled with the platform
* winMd5Sum Portable - check md5 sums to verify files on the go

Tertarik buat Download? Harus donk...

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1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Minta review donk aplikasi-aplikasi itu satu persatu biar lebih ngeh dengan linux dan open source, thanx

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