Kaget? Memang itulah jawaban yang diberikan oleh Linux Torvalds dalam sebuah wawancara tentang distribusi favorit yang digunakan. Wawancara tersebut dilakukan oleh oneopensource.it dalam sebuah kesempatan di mana Linus Torvalds menjadi pembicara tentang konflik paten antara Linux dan Microsoft, kesepakatan antara Novell dan Microsoft dan perkembangan Linux di masa depan.
Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh opensource.it
"which is your favourite distribution, and which one do you consider more secure?"
Dan ini jawaban Torvalds:
"I don’t really tend to care much, I’ve changed distributions over the years, and to me the most important thing tends to be that they are easy to install and upgrade, and allow me to do the only part I really care about - the kernel. So the only major distribution I’ve never used has actually been Debian, exactly because that has traditionally been harder to install. Which sounds kind of strange, since Debian is also considered to be the “hard-core technical” distribution, but that’s literally exactly what I personally do not want in a distro. I’ll take the nice ones with simple installers etc, because to me, that’s the whole and only point of using a distribution in the first place. So I’ve used SuSE, Red Hat, Ubuntu, YDL (I ran my main setup on PowerPC-based machines for a while, and YDL - Yellow Dog Linux - ended up the easiest choice). Right now, most of my machines seem to have Fedora 7 on them, but that’s only a statement of fact, not meant to be that I think it’s necessarily “better” than the other distros."
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